Florida Court Discusses Juror Bias in a Car Accident Case
Typically, when people hurt in car accidents file lawsuits, they will ask juries to decide issues of liability and damages. Juries are expected it issue...
October 2023
3 Reasons for Car Accidents in the United States
Thousands of lives around the world are lost every year because of car accidents. The United States alone loses around thirty seven thousand people every...
October 2023
Court Discusses Domicile of Stateless Defendants in Car Accident Case in Florida
Some car accidents that occur in Florida involve out of state parties. While a plaintiff has the right to choose where to file a lawsuit,...
October 2023
How To Prevent Your Dog From Biting
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that around 4.5 million dog bite incidents are reported every year. While some states have a “one bite...
October 2023
Florida Court Discusses a Plaintiff’s Privacy Rights in a Car Accident Case
In lawsuits arising out of car accidents, it is not uncommon for a defendant to argue that a plaintiff suffered from a pre-existing condition and...
October 2023
5 Things You Need to Know About DUI Accidents
While the number of fatalities caused by drunk driving has drastically fallen since 1982, the number of DUI accidents, those involving underage drunk driving especially,...
October 2023
3 Consequences of a DUI in Florida
Every year, hundreds of people lose their lives and thousands of others are injured or maimed because of accidents caused by drunk drivers. These accidents...
October 2023
Florida Court Discusses Underinsured Coverage in Multi-Car Collisions
It is not uncommon for a driver to set off a chain of events that leads to a series of collisions. When multiple crashes arise...
October 2023
5 Things You Must Know About DUI’s In Florida
Florida has one of the toughest DUI laws in the country, largely because intoxicated drivers continue to be a concern for law enforcement agencies around...
October 2023
Dangers of Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel
Drowsy driving is a major issue in the US. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that it is responsible for around 2.5% of fatal...
October 2023
The Dangers of Motorcycles on Florida Roads
A recent motorcycle accident has highlighted the dangers of these vehicles on Florida roads. In early November, a motorcyclist was tragically killed after another car...
October 2023
Florida Court Rules a Dangerous Product Did not Cause a Fatal Collision
Generally, when people are hurt in car accidents, the driver that caused the accident will be deemed liable for their injuries. In some instances, though,...
October 2023